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Markus Grompe | all galleries >> Galleries >> Successful Show & Tell Contest Entries > Pete Jolly
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Pete Jolly

Pete Jolly was a renowned Jazz pianist from the Los Angeles area. He died not too long after this picture was taken.

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cits_4_pets22-Aug-2009 06:05
Love how your framed him and the reflection is kinda eerie...excellent!!!! Big~ (v)
Peter Stubley09-Jun-2009 20:20
Great shot -- great light and composition, and the reflection is superb. Nicely seen.
Guest 28-Oct-2005 22:06
i like jazz so much, and as William Claxton said : "Photography is the jazz of the picture" (or something like that ;-)
Your shoot shows this moment, when the pianist is in his art.
Thanks !!