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Markus Grompe | all galleries >> Scavenger Hunts >> August 2021 Scavenger hunt: Movie Titles > Road House
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Road House

Sony Cyber-shot RX100 V
1/80s f/2.8 at 25.7mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Mieke WA Minkjan16-Aug-2021 15:11
larose forest photos15-Aug-2021 17:49
Now this is really clever and spot on. V
carol j. phipps14-Aug-2021 17:02
Like a painting. V
Chris12-Aug-2021 15:33
Just wondering where to start! Well seen.
John Vass27-Sep-2018 16:57
Great shot! ;-) V
LynnH26-Sep-2018 19:48
A clever shot. I like the shiny glassware and good reflection too. V
Mieke WA Minkjan26-Sep-2018 18:19
a great Pov V
larose forest photos26-Sep-2018 00:51
That is quite the shot! Well done. V