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Markus Grompe | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Successful Show & Tell Contest Entries tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Successful Show & Tell Contest Entries

These are the images that made the winners list (top 3) or honorable mention in the weekly contest.
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Portrait of Kosen
Portrait of Kosen
A quiet moment
A quiet moment
Upper Falls
Upper Falls
dreamy woods
dreamy woods
Library ceiling reflection superimposed on gold leaf art
Library ceiling reflection superimposed on gold leaf art
Celestial algebra
Celestial algebra
Village silhouette
Village silhouette
shipwreck 2
shipwreck 2
deep forest sculpture
deep forest sculpture
Punting peace
Punting peace
Aug 30
Aug 30
veiled light
veiled light
cristalline blue
cristalline blue
purple haze
purple haze
Tomatos and Fennel
Tomatos and Fennel
teardrops 1
teardrops 1
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