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Greg Gillson | profile | all galleries >> Bird Photos >> Photo Checklist: Field-Friendly Guide to San Diego Birds >> Chickadee & Wren-like Songbirds tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Chickadee & Wren-like Songbirds

Chickadees, verdin, bushtit, nuthatches, creeper, wrens, gnatcatchers, and wrentit make up this grouping of small, plump, active brown or gray birds found in wooded and brushy habitats. All are insect-eaters, though chickadees and nuthatches frequent bird feeders for sunflower seeds, which they pound open with their bills as they can't chew as can sparrows and finches.
Mountain Chickadee
:: Mountain Chickadee ::
Oak Titmouse
:: Oak Titmouse ::
:: Verdin ::
:: Bushtit ::
Red-breasted Nuthatch
:: Red-breasted Nuthatch ::
White-breasted Nuthatch
:: White-breasted Nuthatch ::
Pygmy Nuthatch
:: Pygmy Nuthatch ::
Brown Creeper
:: Brown Creeper ::
Rock Wren
:: Rock Wren ::
Canyon Wren
:: Canyon Wren ::
House Wren
:: House Wren ::
Marsh Wren
:: Marsh Wren ::
Bewick's Wren
:: Bewick's Wren ::
Cactus Wren
:: Cactus Wren ::
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
:: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ::
California Gnatcatcher
:: California Gnatcatcher ::
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher
:: Black-tailed Gnatcatcher ::
:: Wrentit ::