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Gordon Garcia | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Waterscapes tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Water, Rivers, Lakes, Wetlands, Snow and Ice
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September Fox
September Fox
River Wide
River Wide
Reflections in the River
Reflections in the River
Summer Floats By
Summer Floats By
Shimmering in September
Shimmering in September
Finding a Flow
Finding a Flow
Mirroring Summer
Mirroring Summer
Evening Waters
Evening Waters
Below the Dam
Below the Dam
Waves Roll Ashore
Waves Roll Ashore
Still Summer Waters
Still Summer Waters
Water's Impression
Water's Impression
Reflecting on Summer
Reflecting on Summer
Connecting Waterway
Connecting Waterway
Betwwen the Flowers and Forests
Betwwen the Flowers and Forests
Gallons Galore
Gallons Galore
Rolling on the River
Rolling on the River
Quiet Flow
Quiet Flow
Blue Day and Waters
Blue Day and Waters
Country Pond
Country Pond
Of Water and Sky
Of Water and Sky
Sky on the Water
Sky on the Water
Cliff Along the Creek
Cliff Along the Creek
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