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Giorgio Gregori | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bolgheri, Paradise in Tuscany tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bolgheri, Paradise in Tuscany

Bolgheri is for someone the name of an old tuscan little village, for some others is the area where one of the world's most famous wine, the Sassicaia, is produced.
For me Bolgheri is the place of the heart.
This marsh, last residual part of Tuscany old environment, is at present a WWF reserve, a winter refuge for many migrant birds. In this magic place I share with few others nature enthusiastic friends deep emotions and beautiful visions I'll try to offer you.
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Fallow-deer running
Fallow-deer running
rainbow on the marsh
rainbow on the marsh
Wigeons ( mostly )
Wigeons ( mostly )
Sunset on the marsh1
Sunset on the marsh1
Sunset on the marsh2
Sunset on the marsh2
like a mirror
like a mirror
The flight of the Geese
The flight of the Geese
Coot reflection
Coot reflection
Tarabuso - Bittern
Tarabuso - Bittern
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