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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> The New World > Camel's Hump
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Camel's Hump

Near Lumby BC

The camel was looking quite spectacular this evening.

Canon PowerShot SX40 HS
1/400s f/6.3 at 25.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)11-Jul-2021 22:05
Beautiful shot with these details and color.VVV
Pierre18-Jun-2021 12:13
Une très belle photo de cette jolie scène sous une magnifique atmosphère! V
Ursula Miller16-Jun-2021 21:47
A beautiful shot of this peaceful scene! V
bill friedlander16-Jun-2021 15:39
A restful view of the camel but a challenge for rock climbers. V
globalgadabout15-Jun-2021 17:47
well defined and certainly dominating the skyline...what a contrast between quiet meadow and rugged mountains..
Helen Betts15-Jun-2021 16:12
What an interesting rock formation, and a nicely composed capture of it. V.
Fong Lam15-Jun-2021 16:08
What a lovely view with that wonderful scenic rock formation in the distance....V
Walter Otto Koenig15-Jun-2021 15:39
What a great view. Perfect day for this image. "V"
John Vass15-Jun-2021 15:31
Fantastic! V
Neil Marcus15-Jun-2021 12:51
The soft look has a pleasant appearance of a 19th century painting. "V"
joseantonio15-Jun-2021 06:56
amazing rock formation.V.
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