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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Africa Revisited > Sossusvlei6
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Olympus C-730UZ
1/160s f/5.6 at 11.8mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Alexander Kazakov17-Feb-2019 13:27
Perfect! V
Gervan11-Mar-2018 13:50
Just fabulous!. V.
Dan Greenberg03-Mar-2018 13:56
Truly an amazing image that will be as compelling 100 years in the future as it is now. I love the inviting delicate tones and soft yet rich colors. A gallery worthy image. ~VVV~
Charlene Ambrose26-Feb-2018 06:10
A great landscape. Love the color and lines. V
Graeme25-Feb-2018 11:36
A magnificent landscape, Gill.BV!!
barbarajoy24-Feb-2018 23:45
Stunning! V
joseantonio24-Feb-2018 20:51
love the soft tones here.V.
1moremile24-Feb-2018 20:37
Very nice landscape with a lot of depth. V.
Walter Otto Koenig24-Feb-2018 19:47
Amazing location. Beautiful colros and lighting. "V"
Nirvan Hope24-Feb-2018 18:38
This is stunning. Hard to believe it's a photo - it's like a perfect painting.
bill friedlander24-Feb-2018 18:35
Nice sweeping lines and shapes. Nice warm colors too. V
Ruth Moorhead24-Feb-2018 17:47
Another standout!!
janescottcumming24-Feb-2018 14:17
That's beautiful! Must have been wonderful to be there in person. V
danad24-Feb-2018 11:15
I love your work on graphic lines here ! Superb light and pale colors too. V.
Yvonne24-Feb-2018 09:55
A remarkable image of sand dunes.. fabulous composition Gill. v
Fong Lam24-Feb-2018 08:39
Splendid light and shadows in this marvelous landscape...V
Chris Morton24-Feb-2018 08:11
very neat and must be pleasure to re-live it
Carol E Sandgren24-Feb-2018 06:32
Wonderful color and fascinating composition! The little foreground tufts in gold add a lot of interest in addition to the dunes!
Helen Betts24-Feb-2018 06:18
Really outstanding treatment of another old capture. V.
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