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dead cat

Many people want to know, why is the cat about a foot away from its skin?

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Dorangel Hammett 24-Apr-2015 19:57
Shall whoever is responsible for this be cursed and die all burning up with the worst possible suffering after you see your children die with the same fate.I curse you son of a bitch.Im ashamed to be a human after i see this.
Mangochutney 14-Jun-2011 07:01
What a perfectly good waste of meat. Why bother owning a pet in the first place if you're not going to eat it?
Guest 23-Sep-2010 18:29
poor cat.. i love cat.. the person killed this cat is crazy..
Ben 17-Aug-2009 05:19
You guys are REALLY overreacting!!!!! That cat is FINE. He's just taking a nap - he'll wake up in a hour or so. Cat's tend to nap A LOT. As for the fur, well that's just from natural shedding - something else cats also do A LOT.
Guest 20-Nov-2008 13:57
Now I know why this country is falling apart!
PLATONIEYE 19-Nov-2008 00:44
I sent this photo to one of the scientists at a Platonium facility in Colorado and asked him why
the cat is removed from his skin. He said that the cat must have had some milk that
was tainted with Plutonium because he has seen the same thing happen to a few people
who actually touched plutonium with their bare hand....he says it peels the skin
clean off. The cat had not actually died until after his skin came off...and if you
notice, there is still one piece of skin on its leg...this is because the cat had
one "jump" left in him before he died.
ROCCO 18-Nov-2008 23:03
Even though I am 6 foot 3 inches, all muscle, and am a bouncer in a north Hollywood bar, I am very tender and sensitive. In addition, I try to stamp out all mental sickness when I see it. Luigi, you are some sick son of a bitch thinking that you can speak to this pathetic cat carcass, and what's worse that this poor rotted stinking totally dead cat talks back to you! Man I've seen some sick shit in my day, but you make Saddam Hussein look like my first grade totally sweet teacher, Sister Hildegard.
Luigi 18-Nov-2008 22:43
Hello, my name is Luigi, and I am so happy to receive a copy of this picture for my birthday. As a profession I channel cat communication, whether alive or dead. I had a conversation with this dead cat. He says that his name is "Alfonzo" and he died a peaceful death and some fox torn him to pieces after he died. Alfonzo said that he doesn't mind his picture on the Internet even though he is all torn up and looks like hell. This was the only notoriety he ever had on earth because he was a stray cat dumped into an alley by some cruel son of a bitch. Alfonzo said that he doesn't want anybody upset over his picture and to tell everybody to relax. He feels just fine in the afterworld where no "fucking dogs" (Alfonzo's exact words) chased him like they did on earth.
Guest 18-Nov-2008 15:12
I'm sending this picture to my friend, Luigi, for his birthday.
Guest 18-Nov-2008 15:12
I'm sending this picture to my friend, Luigi, for his birthday.
waddy 17-Oct-2008 18:31
yo who ever did this is fucking sick in the head and needs help. i mean why fuckin do it???
Carl Sanchez 01-Jun-2008 15:15
Jesus people its a dead cat! Its not like he murdered it. Its already dead and rotten. If you don't like it, don't look at it. I have a cat myself and I'm not gonna go running to PETA over this. The man took a pic of what he saw in Portland. Get a life people. I agree with Tina's statement.
tina 26-May-2008 03:26
not likely someone actually skinned it...when a corpse rots, the skin separates from the underlying tissues. If another animal(or a person) tries to pick it up, the body will slide right out of it's rotten skin. a coyote probably tried to grab it, and dropped it when it realized it made a slimy meal. 12-Mar-2008 02:23
man thats gross take that photo off......
hawaii person 12-Mar-2008 02:22
.....................gross; this is hidiously cruel man do u know the one how did this?
Silent 27-Jan-2008 09:30
This is disusting!

How can you enjoy putting this up or is this a 'lesson'

Yeah right.

Dont skin these poor animals!
Guest 13-Jan-2008 18:27
we need more dead cats in this world good job keep skinning
kee-kee 11-Jan-2008 21:43
that is so sad,poor c.a.t
katie 02-Jan-2008 01:25
this is cruel and wrong.. why post this?
Juan 06-Jun-2007 19:30
Oh my god! Who skinned that cat?
Marcos 06-Jun-2007 19:28
That freaking cat is disgusting! SAM,TAKE IT OFF OR ELSE I'M GOING TO REPORT THIS!
josh 08-May-2007 15:13
god damn
Esvee 25-Dec-2004 18:28
There's more than one way to skin a cat, this is one.