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George Cumbee | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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lemack15-Sep-2022 18:10
Have always enjoyed seeing all the aviation related and aerial photos you take and share. I see a lot of absolutely beautiful things while flying but rarely take any photos. I find myself later wishing I had snapped some photos.
MJFAGAN15-Sep-2022 18:10
Have always enjoyed seeing all the aviation related and aerial photos you take and share. I see a lot of absolutely beautiful things while flying but rarely take any photos. I find myself later wishing I had snapped some photos.
Guest 05-May-2011 21:38
Thanks for the pictures of the flood. I live in Denver, Colorado but grew up in Paducah and have family there. Your pictures are great and show how extensive the flooding is.
Guest 05-May-2011 02:42
hey George, great pictures, thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!! Your doing a great job!!! hi to suzanne!!!!!!
Michael J Denis 04-May-2011 14:40
The flood photos are extraordinary -- best I've seen, and I've been pouring over the Internet looking. We have friends and relatives in Paducah, and are familiar with Ledbetter and Smithland, as well as the Metropolis area. THANK YOU!
Norm Aschenbrenner 04-May-2011 14:15
Thanks for taking pics from the air. Would really like to get a copy of the Drake Creek Golf Course and the aerial view just West of the golf course. Our house is the brown one next to the house with a pool looking like our house is about to be swallowed up w/water.
Tom Cumbee 04-May-2011 14:07
Thanks George for all the flood pictures down home. Hope all is well for you and your family. Later, Tom.
Guest 04-May-2011 05:34
Thanks for the flood pictures. I am in Okeechobee, Fl. I live in Grand Rivers in the summer. Elliott 02-Jun-2008 13:12
Thanks for coming to the M34 fly-in on 5-31-08. It was our first and we were really pleased with the turnout. I also enjoyed your photos. I did'nt get time to take the all of the
pictures I wanted to so yours helped fill my album.

Thanks again

Bob Elliott
Guest 05-Apr-2008 15:47
Hey there! This is Eddie C. I enjoyed seeing all the pictures. In case we haven't talked by the time you read this posting, please email me:

Eddie C.