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Gigs Rowland | profile | all galleries >> Des Moines River Water Trail >> Bonaparte to Keokuk tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bonaparte to Keokuk

Lunch break at Bonaparte
Lunch break at Bonaparte
Butterfly garden and rapids at Bonaparte
Butterfly garden and rapids at Bonaparte
Bonaparte lock sign
Bonaparte lock sign
Bonaparte rapids
Bonaparte "rapids"
Bonaparte Retreat restaurant
Bonaparte Retreat restaurant
Bonaparte, Iowa
Bonaparte, Iowa
Canoe Van Buren boats at Bonaparte
Canoe Van Buren boats at Bonaparte
Gardens at Bonaparte lock
Gardens at Bonaparte lock
Approaching Farmington
Approaching Farmington
Farmington greeters
Farmington greeters
Leonard and Dale at Farmington
Leonard and Dale at Farmington
Canoe Van Buren volunteers at Farmington
Canoe Van Buren volunteers at Farmington
At Farmington
At Farmington
Kayak carts help boaters at Farmington
Kayak carts help boaters at Farmington
Croton - Civil war connection
Croton - Civil war connection
Below Farmington
Below Farmington
Turkey Run access
Turkey Run access
Island near Turkey Run
Island near Turkey Run
St. Francisville narrows
St. Francisville narrows
Just north of St. Francisville, a train emerges from the greenbelt
Just north of St. Francisville, a train emerges from the greenbelt
Des Moines River Oxbow-Marquette and Joliet Stopped Here in 1683
Des Moines River Oxbow-Marquette and Joliet Stopped Here in 1683
Thousands Lived Here
Thousands Lived Here
Lodge Poles-Iliniwek Village
Lodge Poles-Iliniwek Village
Iliniwek Village Wayland MO
Iliniwek Village Wayland MO
After I Saved Myself, This Kind Farmer Helped Me Get My Boat
After I Saved Myself, This Kind Farmer Helped Me Get My Boat
I Paddled About 5 Miles Before the River Froze Me in
I Paddled About 5 Miles Before the River Froze Me in
Wayland MO, Near Keokuk IA
Wayland MO, Near Keokuk IA
The Temperature Dropped to 0 in a Few Hours
The Temperature Dropped to 0 in a Few Hours
The Ice Was Like Soft Feathers Under the Boat
The Ice Was Like Soft Feathers Under the Boat
The Day I Nearly Died in a Frozen River 12/01
The Day I Nearly Died in a Frozen River 12/01
Redwing access, Keokuk
Redwing access, Keokuk
Redwing access, looking west
Redwing access, looking west