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Gary Hebert | profile | all galleries >> Saskatchewan Centennial 2005 - Wilkie >> Leipzig, Saskatchewan tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Leipzig, Saskatchewan

Looking out front door
Looking out front door
Notre Dame Convent
Notre Dame Convent
Notre Dame Convent
Notre Dame Convent
Notre Dame Convent
Notre Dame Convent
Notre Dame Convent
Notre Dame Convent
View of St. Paschal Catholic Church
View of St. Paschal Catholic Church
around Leipzig
around Leipzig
another empty house ...
another empty house ...
St. Paschal Catholic Church
St. Paschal Catholic Church
Abondoned 1
Abondoned 1
Abandoned 1a
Abandoned 1a
Abandoned 3
Abandoned 3
former Flasch family house
former Flasch family house
Notre Dame Convent
Notre Dame Convent
Root Cellar
Root Cellar
Notre Dame Convent
Notre Dame Convent
Notre Dame Convent
Notre Dame Convent
Grotto at Notre Dame Convent
Grotto at Notre Dame Convent
Notre Dame Convent
Notre Dame Convent