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Fletcher Wildlife Garden | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Backyard garden at the Fletcher Wildlife Garden tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Backyard garden at the Fletcher Wildlife Garden

Behind our interpretive centre is a "model" backyard garden. It is designed with mostly native plants, but we have used non-native species which we know are beneficial to wildlife, such as several species of thyme. The different sections of the garden have different purposes, for example the Woodland Walk shows which locally native species will grow well in shaded conditions, and it also shows how it is possible to create a garden that replicates in some sense, a natural woodland in this part of eastern Ontario.

See our web site for more about the Backyard Garden

Flowers of the Backyard Garden at FWG
:: Flowers of the Backyard Garden at FWG ::
Backyard Garden Aug  2020
Backyard Garden Aug 2020
Backyard Garden  Aug 2020
Backyard Garden Aug 2020
Backyard Garden Aug 2020
Backyard Garden Aug 2020
Backyard Garden  Aug 2020
Backyard Garden Aug 2020
Backyard Garden  Aug 2020
Backyard Garden Aug 2020
Backyard Garden  Aug 2020
Backyard Garden Aug 2020
Backyard Garden of the Fletcher Wildlife Garden  July 2015
Backyard Garden of the Fletcher Wildlife Garden July 2015
Backyard Garden of the Fletcher Wildlife Garden  July 2015
Backyard Garden of the Fletcher Wildlife Garden July 2015
Backyard Garden of the Fletcher Wildlife Garden  July 2015
Backyard Garden of the Fletcher Wildlife Garden July 2015
Backyard Garden of the Fletcher Wildlife Garden  Aug 2015
Backyard Garden of the Fletcher Wildlife Garden Aug 2015
The Backyard Garden  May 2013
The Backyard Garden May 2013
The Backyard Garden in July 2011
The Backyard Garden in July 2011
The Backyard Garden in July 2011
The Backyard Garden in July 2011
The Backyard Garden in July 2010
The Backyard Garden in July 2010
Backyard garden, August 2010
Backyard garden, August 2010
Backyard Garden in spring 2009
Backyard Garden in spring 2009
Backyard garden Sept 2006
Backyard garden Sept 2006
Winter wonder
Winter wonder
Woodland Walk
Woodland Walk
Backyard Garden of the Fletcher Wildlife Garden
Backyard Garden of the Fletcher Wildlife Garden
New path in the Backyard Garden
New path in the Backyard Garden
Woodland walk
Woodland walk
Backyard garden
Backyard garden
Woodland walk-entrance
Woodland walk-entrance
Woodland walk
Woodland walk
Woodland walk - detail
Woodland walk - detail
Woodland walk
Woodland walk
Volunteers at work
Volunteers at work
Backyard garden
Backyard garden
Roses and clematis
Roses and clematis
Pathway  to the garden
Pathway to the garden
Late summer flowers
Late summer flowers
The pond
The pond
Garden in August
Garden in August
Working in the garden
Working in the garden
Gold flame honeysuckle
Gold flame honeysuckle
Backyard garden sign
Backyard garden sign
Interpretive Centre and Backyard Garden
Interpretive Centre and Backyard Garden
The garden in mid-summer
The garden in mid-summer
The Interpretive Centre and Backyard Garden, July 2009
The Interpretive Centre and Backyard Garden, July 2009
Bird feeder in winter
Bird feeder in winter
Backyard Garden just after sunrise
Backyard Garden just after sunrise