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Around the FWG: Take a tour of the garden

The 6 hectare Fletcher Wildlife Garden has a number of habitats: New Woods, Hedgerow, Amphibian Pond, Butterfly Meadow, Ash Woods, and Old Field habitat,. There are also other distinctive areas: the Ravine, Birch Grove, and the Backyard Garden (BYG) behind our Interpretive Centre, which has been designed to show people how they might garden to attract birds and other wildlife. These photos take you on a tour of the garden through the four seasons.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter photos have their own galleries. Please click on the photo to open up a whole new gallery of photos.

In addition to all the photos in the seasonal galleries, you can follow the Bill Holland trail as it winds through the garden, beginning at the Interpretive Centre. First we see the Amphibian pond. The pond, the New Woods,and the Hedgerow are all closely linked. Leaving the New Woods, we head to the Butterfly Meadow, then past the Birch Grove, around the Old field, to the Ash woods. From there we head north to the Ravine, then down the service road past the mallow bank into the Arboretum and back into the FWG at the Backyard Garden behind our Interpretive Centre.

Old woods
Old woods
FWG map
FWG map
Spring at the FWG
:: Spring at the FWG ::
Summer at the FWG
:: Summer at the FWG ::
Autumn at the FWG
:: Autumn at the FWG ::
Winter at FWG
:: Winter at FWG ::
Bill Holland trail sign
Bill Holland trail sign
Interpretive centre
Interpretive centre
Pond in winter
Pond in winter
Look at the difference: The pond in early summer, June 2007
Look at the difference: The pond in early summer, June 2007
Pond in late summer
Pond in late summer
Hedgerow in spring
Hedgerow in spring
The New woods in summer, July 2007
The New woods in summer, July 2007
Autumn in the new woods
Autumn in the new woods
New woods in winter
New woods in winter
Butterfly meadow
Butterfly meadow
Butterfly meadow
Butterfly meadow
Butterfly meadow, new section
Butterfly meadow, new section
Birch grove
Birch grove
Birch grove in autumn
Birch grove in autumn
Spring in the old field
Spring in the old field
Old field in summer
Old field in summer
Old woods in late summer, 2006
Old woods in late summer, 2006
Old woods in autumn
Old woods in autumn
Please stay on the paths
Please stay on the paths
Ravine in winter
Ravine in winter
Ravine in spring
Ravine in spring
Ravine in mid-summer
Ravine in mid-summer
Looking south across the Ravine in late winter
Looking south across the Ravine in late winter
Looking south across the Ravine in early spring
Looking south across the Ravine in early spring
Looking across the Ravine in spring
Looking across the Ravine in spring
Looking south across the Ravine  in mid-summer
Looking south across the Ravine in mid-summer
Looking south across the Ravine in autumn
Looking south across the Ravine in autumn
Ravine in winter
Ravine in winter
FWG in autumn
FWG in autumn
An autumn sunset over FWG
An autumn sunset over FWG
Apple blossom time by the Old field
Apple blossom time by the Old field