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The foggy morning

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Vilone12-Jan-2007 04:14
Wonderful image Wei! Vote!
Guest 09-Jan-2007 17:06
Well done.
Guest 05-Jan-2007 17:45
There's a lot to like in this one.
Mark Robinson03-Jan-2007 20:40
So simple, yet so effective. Very well seen and great technique.
Yi Feng30-Dec-2006 04:51
Very beautiful B/W shot, Wei.
Richard Calmes28-Dec-2006 14:07
Love the mood and composition! V
BleuEvanescence24-Dec-2006 17:43
Fog, trees, snow, empty place, excellent composition...
Always a winner
Just beautiful
Bryan Ramsay24-Dec-2006 02:05
Great moody shot!! -GMV -BJ
Rob Rosetti23-Dec-2006 18:34
Wow! Such an atmosphere! Bravissimo!
firstbrook23-Dec-2006 12:02
Well done ...v
firstbrook23-Dec-2006 12:02
Well done ...v
Gordon W22-Dec-2006 21:10
Just excellent!
Ray :)22-Dec-2006 14:19
Brrrr...that looks cold.
caveman_lee22-Dec-2006 09:59
An awesome image with good wintry atmosphere. Voted.
Cliff22-Dec-2006 08:20
Fred Parsons22-Dec-2006 02:29
very very nice, sir tip o' the hat for this one!
karlakelly22-Dec-2006 01:05
Nicely composed. This image tells a story.
rhett21-Dec-2006 22:50
Classical B&W capture, great composition and beautiful tones! Voted.
Ron Horloff21-Dec-2006 22:14
A very evocative photo. Nicely done.
Guest 21-Dec-2006 21:30
Wow, this is so nice!! Superbly beautiful!
Marco Valk21-Dec-2006 17:48
superb image; vote
Chris Spracklen21-Dec-2006 17:37
Superbly atmospheric! G.M.V.
Kind regards, Chris
Victoria21-Dec-2006 16:45
Your capture really magic !!!!!!Vote