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Sue Robertson13-Sep-2006 10:18
Wow. Fantastic pano.. GMV
Guest 25-Jun-2006 16:11
Wow,this is quite dramatic. Add my vote
Fred Parsons24-Jun-2006 18:19
Great use of the pano image and getting it all together in one shot in a subject I would think was constantly changing ???
Vilone24-Jun-2006 04:22
Wow!Stunning! Great work, Wei! Vote
Antonis Sarantos23-Jun-2006 19:11
Mindy McNaugher23-Jun-2006 19:06
Awesome and powerful shot! Gorgeous and dramatic! Vote!
Yi Feng23-Jun-2006 16:50
Stunning moment capture! Great BW effect! GMV
Bryan Murahashi23-Jun-2006 15:05
Excellent pano shot. Very impressive cloud formation here. GMV.
Herb 23-Jun-2006 13:38
Awesome image, V
Guest 23-Jun-2006 13:19
what a fantastic shot!!! The B&W conversion is just perfect and really adds to the mood of the shot! voted
Rob Rosetti23-Jun-2006 10:20
oooohh!! I've never seen a thing like this! Oustanding panorama! A big vote. Roberto
Louise Chevalier23-Jun-2006 09:42
The b&w treatment is an excellent choice for this one. Just hope you had your umbrella!...
Shimon Levkovich23-Jun-2006 07:21
Impressive panorama, GMV.
henrywong23-Jun-2006 06:56
Amazing shot! Voted !
Guest 23-Jun-2006 06:36
Wow, great capture!!! Nice to make it in panorama. Exceptional work!!!
Marc Demoulin23-Jun-2006 06:14
Absolutely impressive Wei. Vote.
Steven Jusczyk23-Jun-2006 05:58
Incredible panorama, especially in the original! So ominous, great contrast.