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Mic-Mutes microphone mute product

Complete GL1800 Maintenance video now available at
Mic-Mutes kit
Mic-Mutes kit
Contents and instructions
Contents and instructions
Mic Mute Kit
Mic Mute Kit
Here is a look at how the parts will be interconnected on the bike and electronic control module
Here is a look at how the parts will be interconnected on the bike and electronic control module
If all else fails, read the instructions.  They are very detailed
If all else fails, read the instructions. They are very detailed
Accessory fuse box connections are straight forward
Accessory fuse box connections are straight forward
Mic-Mutes passenger headset adapter plugged into headset connector under seat and routed under crossbar
Mic-Mutes passenger headset adapter plugged into headset connector under seat and routed under crossbar
Location of Mic-Mutes Electronic Contol Module (ECM)
Location of Mic-Mutes Electronic Contol Module (ECM)
Plugging in the lead for the PTT switch connector
Plugging in the lead for the PTT switch connector
I used a bit of velcro to hold the ECM onto the frame
I used a bit of velcro to hold the ECM onto the frame
Once the all the connections are made to the headset adapter, I zipped tied it in place
Once the all the connections are made to the headset adapter, I zipped tied it in place
I routed the wire behind the frame rail, using a coat hanger
I routed the wire behind the frame rail, using a coat hanger
Routing the wire up to the riders headset
Routing the wire up to the riders headset
Connecting the lead for the riders headset
Connecting the lead for the riders headset
Red connectors under left glove box are where the riders headset adapter goes. Don't mind my FRS and Radar wire mess
Red connectors under left glove box are where the riders headset adapter goes. Don't mind my FRS and Radar wire mess
One end of riders headset harness connected to headset adapter
One end of riders headset harness connected to headset adapter
Both ends of riders headset connected.  Now all I have to do is get all these FRS and Radar and other wires back in place.
Both ends of riders headset connected. Now all I have to do is get all these FRS and Radar and other wires back in place.
Wires getting arranged.  Hopefully I can get my glove blox back in when I am done
Wires getting arranged. Hopefully I can get my glove blox back in when I am done
Mic-Mutes headset adapter fits nicely down in bottom of cavity
Mic-Mutes headset adapter fits nicely down in bottom of cavity
Removing three left rear speaker screws
Removing three left rear speaker screws
Then I drilled a 9/23 hole in the bottom for the switch. Be careful not to drill into your speakers!!
Then I drilled a 9/23 hole in the bottom for the switch. Be careful not to drill into your speakers!!
A look at the switch and wiring from the inside. Note tight clearance to speaker. I probably should have moved it off center.
A look at the switch and wiring from the inside. Note tight clearance to speaker. I probably should have moved it off center.
Switch and wire in place
Switch and wire in place
Switch mounted in speaker pod on 2009
Switch mounted in speaker pod on 2009
Switch on 2009
Switch on 2009
Inserting connector pins into connector body.  Don't do this until you have the wire routed where you want it
Inserting connector pins into connector body. Don't do this until you have the wire routed where you want it
Final switch assembly.  Lets ride!
Final switch assembly. Lets ride!