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Francisco Figueras | all galleries >> Galleries >> trois jours à Paris > qualification
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31-OCT-2009 frankief


Montmartre, Paris.

FujiFilm Finepix F200EXR
1/1500s f/9.0 at 6.4mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 11-Dec-2010 08:55
briliant shot.v
Luko G.-R.16-Jun-2010 15:15
hey, what?... That's a marvelous one! I've seen lots of scene in Montmartre but not such! V
Alain Boussac07-Jan-2010 08:09
Une merveille. BV.
Guenter Eh20-Dec-2009 19:02
Saw this fabulous guy too...supreme image with the view over the city!
Robyco14-Dec-2009 15:02
Outstanding !! (BV)
Guest 11-Dec-2009 12:56
Sembla un anunci de la champioooonsss Playstation...!
Thomas07-Dec-2009 16:17
Thierry Henry? If I was Irish I would shove him ;-) Very good light & composition!
H2M04-Dec-2009 07:35
Marcela Mejia Photography30-Nov-2009 01:32
Bravo ! V
Marjan Schavemaker29-Nov-2009 12:33
Excelente, Francisco! V
Nick Arena29-Nov-2009 10:56
Jeroen Bosman29-Nov-2009 10:50
"....and then it took us half an hour to find back the ball....." v!
Gonzalo Garcia de Viedma29-Nov-2009 10:27
Pues podía ser una de esas estatuas vivientes, con el balón en suspensión y todo... Buena edición, aunque el 800 en las compactas no perdona... V
lou_rozensteins29-Nov-2009 09:52
Excellent shot. A great composition!!
12329-Nov-2009 09:16
Excellent. V
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