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Guest 20-Jun-2007 18:24
You're already very good and I'm sure you'll post even better work in the future.
Jean 22-Aug-2006 06:03
Well done! |
Janet 14-Apr-2006 16:28
Well done! | | | |
Guest 28-Apr-2004 20:34
Interesantes fotos
Gracias por compartirlas
Saludos desde España
Robin Hale 04-Dec-2003 17:11
What an immaculate photograph. Thank you for a perfect realization of a favorite time at one of my most special places. RHale
kathy 02-Dec-2002 17:44
I happened upon your pictures when I read your post in the fuji chat at dpreview.....your pictures are SO beautiful and you have a very lovely family! May God continue to Bless you all!! Thanks for sharing pix.....kathy :)
Tom 08-Oct-2002 21:17
The 2600 is a good Digicam , just got one, and i use E O S Canon SLR, so i think the
2600 is a good buy
Willa Dios18-Jul-2002 04:19

I just came back to see what you have been doing! Your gallery is great! You use the C-2100 so well. I'm not familiar with the Ricoh. My first digicam was the Ricoh RDC-2, which still takes pretty damn good macros. As you know, I have the UZI, the EZI, the D-40, the D-460z and now, I caved and did the price matching thing and bought the Sony F-707. I Know this is probably over kill, but I couldn't help myself. You know what? I think the Oly takes such gorgeous photos. And for a little take everywhere camera the D-40 is da bomb. I haven't had a chance to play with the Sony yet. Have you noticed that on lots of the Sony cameras that the colors seem just a TAD over saturated? Maybe I'm just used to the naturally NATURAL colorization of the Olys, I don't know. Anyway, I'm finished buying cameras for a while. Your stuff is very, very good! I'll be back. Sorry for babbling. Keep it up! You are very good at it. ;)

Patricia 05-Jun-2002 21:06
WOW! what a beautifull girl! and that other kid is SO happy :-) it puts a smile on my face! you must be proud on those kids! cool pictures.