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Saratoga Springs (and area)

Saratoga Springs, NY is a popular tourist town about 25 miles North of Albany. There are lakes in the area and of course, in season, Saratoga Races. The Philadelphia Orchestra spends part of the summer performing there as does the New York City Ballet. I have to admit though that my wife and I go primarily for the racing!
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Batcheller Mansion Inn - A Victorian mansion
Batcheller Mansion Inn - A Victorian mansion
Flat Iron Building -Color version below
Flat Iron Building -Color version below
Flat Iron Building - B&W below.
Flat Iron Building - B&W below.
The Alternative Universe of Selective Color
The Alternative Universe of Selective Color
Saratoga Race Course
Saratoga Race Course
Impromptu Irish Celtic Session in the back room
Impromptu Irish Celtic Session in the back room
Historic Town Hall
Historic Town Hall
g9/01/738401/3/164157089.1d0r5f5z.jpg g9/01/738401/3/164153223.QcCZuCpK.jpg g9/01/738401/3/164150579.54C19EhJ.jpg A fading beauty with her buds
A fading beauty with her buds
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