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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Galleries >> Street, Urban, Pub, Mall, Water, Beach, Marinas > The Diamond District, 47th St.
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10-NOV-2005 Frank Brault

The Diamond District, 47th St.

New York City

"Over 90 percent of the diamonds that come into the United States go through
New York City and most of them go through the Diamond District. More than
2,600 independent businesses are located on this block, nearly all of them
related to diamonds or jewelry."

The Diamond district #2 click here -

Olympus E-500
1/250s f/3.5 at 40.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Gary Hudes27-Jul-2010 00:55
Very nice portrait
Guest 29-Jan-2007 20:24
Hi Frank.
I am writing on behalf of SASSON magazine. We are a luxury lifestyle publication that features provocative content on art, history, and culture. This year, we are featuring an article about New York's Diamond District and we would like to use one of your photographs - with the three Jewish men in the foreground. We just need your permission to use the photograph as well as a digital copy, if you have one. If you could email me with the information, it would be greatly appreciated.
