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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Galleries >> Eclectic > "The naked lady"
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Frank Brault

"The naked lady"

Innishannon, County Cork, Ireland

This lady is placed outside the door when the Irish Fine Art Shop opens each day.

Olympus OM-D EM-1 ,Olympus M. Zuiko Digital ED 12mm f2.0 ,Best at original size.
1/400s f/2.8 at 12.0mm iso200 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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DasBoogz aka Kathy Colby Kurasch21-Oct-2014 19:27
Buba Jafarli18-Oct-2014 17:39
Fantastic find! V.
Sandy Rich09-Oct-2014 23:16
Great attention getter. Nicely seen and done.
John Lamb09-Oct-2014 22:15
Does she get a coat in the Winter Frank? ~v~
bill friedlander09-Oct-2014 21:52
Great colors and terrific details. I hope someone lets her in. V
fotabug09-Oct-2014 14:55
Looks like she is wearing boots! :)