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Francis Toussaint | profile | all galleries >> Paris >> The Opera House tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Opera House

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Avenue de L' Opera...
Avenue de L' Opera...
...leading to Palais Garnier
...leading to Palais Garnier
..Home of l' Académie Nationale de Musique
..Home of l' Académie Nationale de Musique
The  Great Staircase...
The Great Staircase...
...made of multicolored marbles
...made of multicolored marbles
... to the Grand Foyer and the Auditorium
... to the Grand Foyer and the Auditorium
One of the Foyers
One of the Foyers
The entrance to the Auditorium
The entrance to the Auditorium
Window to dress circle boxes
Window to dress circle boxes
Gold and red colors only
Gold and red colors only the 1900 seats Auditorium the 1900 seats Auditorium
The ceiling, Painted by Chagall
The ceiling, Painted by Chagall
The stage
The stage
u20/francist/medium/12149160.461F8252ope.jpg Details of Chagall paintings
Details of Chagall paintings
The Library-museum
The Library-museum
Rotonde du soleil
Rotonde du soleil
u18/francist/medium/11806461.461F8157opecopie.jpg Richly decorated ceilings
Richly decorated ceilings
Edgar Degas  -  Le foyer de la danse à l'Opéra
Edgar Degas - Le foyer de la danse à l'Opéra
An unusual view of the Opera
An unusual view of the Opera
The Dance by Carpeaux
The Dance by Carpeaux
Opera Garnier
Opera Garnier
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