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Francis Toussaint | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sainte-Chapelle tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


A one hour visit this morning to the most precious jewel of Paris : La Sainte-Chapelle.
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La Sainte- Chapelle,  viewed from Bd du Palais
La Sainte- Chapelle, viewed from Bd du Palais
Front portal of Upper Chapel
Front portal of Upper Chapel
The Lower Chapel...
The Lower Chapel...
...used by  servants and commoners
...used by servants and commoners
Fleurs de lys...
Fleurs de lys...
 and Tours de Castille, the emblems of...
and Tours de Castille, the emblems of...
 Blanche de Castille, mother of Saint Louis
Blanche de Castille, mother of Saint Louis
...The Upper Chapel...
...The Upper Chapel...
...reserved for the use of the King and the royal family
...reserved for the use of the King and the royal family
...houses magnificent stained-glass windows...
...houses magnificent stained-glass windows...
 soaring 50 ft  to the vaulted roof
soaring 50 ft to the vaulted roof
u30/francist/medium/18357158.461F8738sch2.jpg Rose window, telling the story of the Apocalypse
Rose window, telling the story of the Apocalypse
Apostle statues adorn the 12 pillars of the upper chapel
Apostle statues adorn the 12 pillars of the upper chapel
Visitors , illuminated by light coming from the windows
Visitors , illuminated by light coming from the windows
u30/francist/medium/18430688.1309064.jpg A window dedicated to Marie-Antoinette
A window dedicated to Marie-Antoinette
...detained in la Conciergerie.....
...detained in la Conciergerie.....
A magnificient jewel case ...
A magnificient jewel case ... house precious holy relics house precious holy relics
La Salle des Gens d'Armes
La Salle des Gens d'Armes
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