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Nikon Coolpix P7800

Performance (P) compact camera Nikon Coolpix P7800
Some words about the P7800 are here:
Photos taken with Nikon P7800
< Photos taken with Nikon P7800 >
Nikon P7800 - zoom test
< Nikon P7800 - zoom test >
Nikon P7800 - VR & Distortion control
< Nikon P7800 - VR & Distortion control >
Nikon P7800 - effects
< Nikon P7800 - effects >
Bucharest Christmas light in the fog
< Bucharest Christmas light in the fog >
Ziua usilor deschise la TNB 2013
< Ziua usilor deschise la TNB 2013 >
Lansare in Romania Sony A7, A7R, RX10
< Lansare in Romania Sony A7, A7R, RX10 >
Nikon P7800 - ISO test
< Nikon P7800 - ISO test >
Nikon P7800 - panoramic images
< Nikon P7800 - panoramic images >
Luminitele de Craciun in Bucuresti - 2013
< Luminitele de Craciun in Bucuresti - 2013 >
Anti-Mall fostul magazin Bucuresti
< Anti-Mall fostul magazin Bucuresti >
Ziua Nationala a Romaniei
< Ziua Nationala a Romaniei >
Nikon P7800
< Nikon P7800 >