The was a guided tour provided by Rail Travel Center. Included in the tour were major National Parks in the Southwest as well as a number of other very interesting state and local sites. The tour started for me getting on Amtrak at Union Station in Dallas on March 22 and ending with me flying back from Alburquerque on April 1. It was a combined train, tour bus and plane trip.
The thumbnail pictures below each represent an album of pictures. Please click on the album thumbnail and take a look at the pictures for each album. Many of the albums are 2 or more pages. Be sure and click on "Next page" to see all the pictures. While in the album, be sure to click on the thumbnail pictures to see larger versions. You can select the larger size below the picture. The "original" size is 1000 by 750 pixels which will fill your monitor screen.
I hope you enjoy this large, multi-album of pictures from this great trip. I thoroughly enjoyed the trip and taking these pictures.
Hallo Illona,
we are trying to contact you on SKYPE. Our adress is petr_valer. Try it.
13-Jul-2004 11:31
Thank you for sharing. I am looking to do a trip like this for my senior citizen travel club. Are they still offering this tour? How could I contact them?
Thank you for your help.
Illona Morris