On a serious note,I'm fascinated by your "encounter".I was active in the Air Training Corps in Britain during my teens, and narrowly missed out on Air Traffic Control.As a civilian,the only contact I have with high flying traffic is when one of your vehicles goes missing.Lovely shots you've taken.Keep up the good work and I hope you find answers.Like the "event" a couple of years back,in Lincolnshire,England,where,in the night,a 400ft. high electricity generating rotor blade was struck by comething,such that in the daylight,the rotor blade was bent double and had to be replaced.But to this day,no-one knows what happened.There was no wreckage nearby,no explanation of what happened!
27-Aug-2014 04:07
Is there anyway that A/Any Pilot, this pilot again or any other interested, curious pilot could fly over just to take more pics and or videos? Maybe both daylight and night shots?? To look for any continuing or developing or left over effects/activity etc. Heck How About Putting A Drone To GOOD USE? Then maybe we could make a little nore educated guess about this event, Especially the "Beam of Light" which if I understood the pilot correctly, is what Drew his Attention to That Area in Particular..Pilot likes taking pics from plane at night--and as the sky was showing an Green Aurora uncommon to his flight path. (most likely due to CME glancing off Earths Magnetosphere) he had definitely set his camera in the window--Saw a Bright White Beam That went From Ocean/surface to Sky, began focusing on watching that area and the Red/orange Glow Began --and grew Larger And Brighter as he drew closer to area. ---Mmmnnn.......Beam white n bright, red/orange glow, under waters surface yet bright enough that at (30,000ft) wth wide angle lense was Illuminating a Vast Area n Reflecting on the Clouds????? Please If my understanding of event is off, Please correct. CME/Green Sky most likely is only relevant as the Skys Colors, Quakes etc most likely were a result of CME! And IMO this event is also most likely Geologic-Magnetic-Tetonic-Magmatic in Nature. SomeBody other than this Mom who lives on SSI n cares for my Disabled Son, (if I Could I Would Get Off My Bum n Try To Explain This Myself) But Somone with The Means n Funds Needs to! OBAMA SEND A DRONE TO DO US ALL A GOOD DEED FOR A CHANGE!!! LMAO! Like THAT would EVER Happen!
27-Aug-2014 01:55
como lo ubico en google maps
25-Aug-2014 21:13
Is this it? Earthquake report on usgs.gov 4.6 Kuril Islands 2014-08-24 15:45:44 UTC-06:0076.4 km
25-Aug-2014 12:12
earthquake. usgs.gov/ earthquakes/eventpage/usb000s5wm#summary, haal twee spaties weg voor de link