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Flying Dutchman | all galleries >> Please visit >> Unknown orange/red glow over Pacific Ocean - August 24, 2014 > Glowing lights illuminating the nightly sky
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Glowing lights illuminating the nightly sky

Nikon D800
30s f/2.8 at 10.5mm iso10159 full exif

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Ian Dalgliesh03-Feb-2015 09:19
I'm amazed your employers don't kick up a real fuss about you using a camera in the cockpit in flight.If I used a camera whilst driving my bus in London,England, I'd be disciplined and then sacked.
ingleslenobel27-Aug-2014 17:59
Fwiw I've done long exposure shots on land and the lack of trails using a 10.5mm lens for 30s is perfectly normal. Colour shift is normal too, may explain some of the non red yellow orange colouration. Long exposure brings out colours that are not visible with naked eye. Would love for an analyst to measure the size of these things, should be possible using velocity, bearing and time?
little-einstein 26-Aug-2014 05:55
Was this some kind of aurora phenomenon way below the northern or above the southern hemisphere instead?
Stan Luckhardt 26-Aug-2014 03:09
Startling report backed up with actual photos and position coordinates. No doubt something geophysically interesting is going on here, if these claims are true. The suggestion of an undersea volcanic eruption seems reasonable. The northern lights recorded in these photos seem to be regular old northern lights. Is the recorded brightness of the northern light display in a reasonable range? That would give some rough intensity calibration for these photos.
Guest 25-Aug-2014 22:29
This is not "full" exif data...HOAX!!!
Flying Dutchman25-Aug-2014 20:58
Using a fisheye 10.5mm lens; you can easily take pictures that are sharp with 30 second exposure. Startrails are visible from more then 1-2 minute exposures with such a wide angle lens.
Guest 25-Aug-2014 20:55
How do you make a 30 sec exposure in a MOVING plane without star trails?
J 25-Aug-2014 18:04
Snibbit, this was shot at 10.5 mm. It would take longer than 30seconds to get star trails at that focal length.
Paul 25-Aug-2014 12:32
Considering date, time, vector and position the sky is "correct" with Capella on the left side of de C of the word copyright and Polaris 3 cm's on the right side of the left top corner. The quantity of northern light (with these exif data) seems to me right as expected when you compare it with the data (Bz- and Bt-values) as given by the ACE satellite for that time.
Snibbit 25-Aug-2014 11:48
30 seconds exposure time can make any lightsource look very strange, especially in a flying (moving) airplane. However you do not see light trails from the stars. Seems like exif data is incorrect?
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