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Flemming Bo Jensen Photography | all galleries >> Australia >> Australia - Brisbane > Brisbane River & Skyline at dusk
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25-SEP-2007 © Flemming Bo Jensen

Brisbane River & Skyline at dusk

Australia, Brisbane

The sky lights up at dusk and the highrises of 'Brisvegas' are reflected in the river.

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
2s f/8.0 at 19.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Sandi Whitteker30-Apr-2008 09:04
Fabulous capture Flemming! Great night shooting.
Guest 30-Apr-2008 04:27
brilliant i love the colors.. V
peterjay4529-Apr-2008 14:10
Wonderful clarity and light, this is indeed a beautiful photo.
Christian Fletcher 28-Apr-2008 12:08
your very good at your cityscapes mate, I am going to Brisbane next month for a photography expo. The colour of this shot is spot on, perfect exposure.
Marisa Livet27-Apr-2008 17:33
I love it, Flemming!
Clear, sharp, never too sharp, just perfectly sharp, with a great attention to colours and your favourite panorama size.
I could recognize your style also without signature.
Steve Morris26-Apr-2008 17:25
Great shot Flemming, love the pink and blue hues - one of my favourites!! V