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Dennis Camp | all galleries >> My Eclectic Galleries >> Travels and Vacations >> Jamestown Rediscovery - Godspeed Cottage > Words
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June 2006 Dennis Camp


Washington, DC

with great meaning

A slightly altered version of this picture, it won best in Contest for People.

Story Information

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 06-Nov-2006 03:11
This is really wonderful, really well seen and captured!
Guest 24-Aug-2006 10:42
nice !
Guest 04-Jul-2006 22:55
Guest 04-Jul-2006 20:29
Nice image :O)
Larry Ahern04-Jul-2006 18:44
Antonis Sarantos04-Jul-2006 18:34
Awesome!!! GMV.
Michael Shpuntov04-Jul-2006 16:49
Classic composition.
Josy's Pics04-Jul-2006 15:47
Guest 04-Jul-2006 13:32
do you know what really makes this for me? the wing on the right...good shot -
Bill Harris04-Jul-2006 13:27
Great shot, Dennis.
Sue Robertson04-Jul-2006 12:45
Great shot.
Faye White04-Jul-2006 12:24
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