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Dennis Camp | all galleries >> My Eclectic Galleries >> Cincinnati Nature Center - Rowe Woods >> Rowe Woods | Woodland Nature Preserve > Rowe Woods Trail Bridge In Snow
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December 2012 Dennis Camp

Rowe Woods Trail Bridge In Snow

Rowe Woods Hiking Trail

One of the many hiking trails bridges in Rowe Woods.
Part of the Cincinnati Nature Center.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Richard Vance08-Jan-2013 03:17
Nothing like a walks in the woods after a snow. So quiet. Well done, Dennis.
Best regards,
Bill Miller07-Jan-2013 19:21
Well that looks a great place to walk.
Faye White07-Jan-2013 13:28
Beautiful winter scene.
SRW07-Jan-2013 12:49
Fantastic composition... -- love those strong verticals....
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