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Dennis Camp | all galleries >> My Eclectic Galleries >> Cincinnati Nature Center - Rowe Woods >> Rowe Woods | Woodland Nature Preserve > Tall Trees in Winter
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December 29, 2012 Dennis Camp

Tall Trees in Winter

Cincinnati Nature Center at Rowe Woods

Along the hiking trails in Rowe Woods.
This morning's walk along the snowy trails

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Terry Bowker18-Dec-2013 23:27
Wow, another great shot!
Bill Miller30-Dec-2012 19:52
Very lovely, it reminds me of this But totally different !
Karen Stuebing29-Dec-2012 22:33
Love the point of view. All the trees converge in the sky. Super image.
Guest 29-Dec-2012 22:05
Cool shot. Best. J
Guest 29-Dec-2012 21:06
Wow - that is a fabulous shot. Voted
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