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Olympic N.F. - Kloshe Nanich/North Point

These are photos from a visit to two old lookout sites on the North side of the Olympic Peninsula. The Kloshe Nanich lookout has been rebuilt and is open for visitors. Unfortunately, the North Point lookout has been turned into a cell/radio tower:
Fog Rolling In
Fog Rolling In
Kloshe Nanich and Wildflowers (Slide)
Kloshe Nanich and Wildflowers (Slide)
Kloshe Nanich and Olympics
Kloshe Nanich and Olympics
Wildflowers with Clouds in Background
Wildflowers with Clouds in Background
Crescent Lake in Fog
Crescent Lake in Fog
Kloshe Nanich Bluff (Slide)
Kloshe Nanich Bluff (Slide)
Kloshe Nanich
Kloshe Nanich
Kloshe Nanitch
Kloshe Nanitch
Former North Point Lookout
Former North Point Lookout