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Eric Pouhier | profile | all galleries >> Others >> Best of 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Best of 2005

| All | Paris | Chateaux de France (New) | Nature | Black & White | Normandie | More |

Welcome to my 'best of' gallery where I'm glad to present my best photos for 2005.
At least the ones I think are the best, but maybe are not :o) !

These images have been uploaded to the website in very low resolution versions.
If you are interested in purchasing any of the images for commercial, editorial or website use (JPEG or TIFF)
or if you would like high resolution prints. Please check rates and contact me at :

Les images disponibles sur ce site sont en très basse résolution, si vous êtes interessé(e) par l'achat de ces images en haute resolution pour vos besoins éditoriaux. Ou si vous souhaitez acquérir des tirages originaux. Consultez les tarifs et contactez moi à l'adresse suivante :

Gothic Sculpture - 15eme century - Amiens Cathedral Grand Palais re-opening Vision Féerique Tour EDF Paris The Yellow Engine - Paris
Mongolian musician - Paris Chanel headquarters - Paris - IDENTITY THEFT Flying Dragoon Montmartre - Paris La rue de Lyon a Paris - Paris
Au pont d'Espagne. Metro Parisien. White and Bleue - Paris L'automne Eglise de Chavoy
French senators - Paris Versailles gardens 7 Le capitole Versailles gardens 8 Paris 13
Petrified Angel Sarte Satyre (Faune) playing flute - Paris Gorgious Humanity. Trocadero
Notre Dame de Paris. Cathedrale de Coutances 10 Anna Chromy. Cathedrale de Coutances 16