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Maaike Huizer | all galleries >> gallery_of_galleries >> My photo-a-day >> 2006 - 2015 >> August 2009: Bikes and Bits of Bikes > 1
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31-JUL-2009 Maaike Huizer


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Máire Uí Mhaicín07-Aug-2009 14:04
Poetic presentation of a bike.
Timothy Guenther05-Aug-2009 12:54
nice color.
Inga Morozoff04-Aug-2009 13:26
Orton works really well on this shot!
Carl and Racine Erland03-Aug-2009 00:53
So rich and lovely light and texture. - V
Jeff Lobaugh02-Aug-2009 23:23
Love the contrasts here! You've taken my idea. I was thinking I could get 30 shots just of my bike.
Jola Dziubinska02-Aug-2009 23:06
Love this first shot, so dreamy and nicely framed. V.
laine02-Aug-2009 19:10
Beautifully captured Maaike.
Margaret Lew02-Aug-2009 06:32
What a beautiful image! ...and I remember the Netherlands, you won't have any trouble finding bikes!
Linda Willets02-Aug-2009 02:59
Love it.
Laryl01-Aug-2009 23:45
love it! I'm going to really enjoy your bike shots this month.. will you have a lot of bikes to choose from?
Cindi Smith01-Aug-2009 21:27
Great idea for the challenge...look forward to more of your bike shots! Love this....fantastic softness to it! I'm liking this month already!
Walter Otto Koenig01-Aug-2009 21:03
Great start Maaike with this excellent shot. Great colors and superb processing. "V"
wernere0101-Aug-2009 20:13
Excellent shot. It has a cool touch and superb colours.
Bernard Davis01-Aug-2009 19:32
Excellent image. Like it a lot. Voted
Doug Cruden01-Aug-2009 18:17
Beautifully rich burnished colours and a lovely angular your processing of this too, Maaike - a great start to the Challenge!
Astrid Taen01-Aug-2009 17:46
Wonderful rich color. Lovely detail image. Looking forward to seeing your bike entries.
Mairéad01-Aug-2009 11:27
Glad you've joined the challenge -
looking forward to your Dutch mode
of transportation.
Kathryn01-Aug-2009 10:40
What a wonderful colour it is too.
Guest 01-Aug-2009 07:23
Wat een super detail (en kleur) !!
Maaike, ik ben blij dat je deze maand toch mee doet en zie uit naar je collectie 'bikes'