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Enrico Martinuzzi | all galleries >> Thematic order >> Flora & Fauna >> Flora > 26.06.2008
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Rosemarie Kusserow12-Apr-2010 20:03
I love poppies! This is a fine work, great composition, the rain drops are a nice addition, Rosemarie :o) V
Guest 11-Dec-2008 10:53
Beautiful. V.
Silvia Roitman26-Jun-2008 19:06
very very nice!
fred_il26-Jun-2008 12:09
Amazing colors, composition and DOF!
Guest 26-Jun-2008 11:04
Nice colors, nice DOF, like the water drops. A nice image.
Chapelle Marc26-Jun-2008 07:48
very beautiful, great DOF.... Marc (v)
Guest 26-Jun-2008 07:20
Love the Colour..nice shot