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ACG Gathering 2011 City of Eden Reception

On Saturday evening of the 10th ACG Gathering the City of Eden, NC, hosted a reception at the EconoLodge.
Also included was a birthday celebration for Doug Wilcox.
Captured with my pocket digital.

Please click on thumbnails to see enlargement.
All images are ©2011 E.J.Kowalski.
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5140027_.Tom Heckhaus.JPG
5140028_Les Hall, J Ed Baker in Green shirt, Jane Schwartz.JPG
5140028_Les Hall, J Ed Baker in Green shirt, Jane Schwartz.JPG
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5140029_Joe and Pam Smith.JPG
5140032._XS sized Terri Faunce (Caterer) in 3x ACG shirt.JPG
5140032._XS sized Terri Faunce (Caterer) in 3x ACG shirt.JPG
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5140037_.Tom and Alexander Rawles.JPG
5140038_From Left Les Hall, J Ed and Mary Ann Baker, Sandra Martens standing,.JPG
5140038_From Left Les Hall, J Ed and Mary Ann Baker, Sandra Martens standing,.JPG
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5140041_Pam Buckley and her husband Mike Reitsma, Tom, and Alexander.JPG
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5140049_Jane Schwartz, Mary and James Schenken.JPG
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5140050_John and Susan Stepp.JPG
5140051_Patty and Doug Wilcox with Cheryl Chidester's left arm.JPG
5140051_Patty and Doug Wilcox with Cheryl Chidester's left arm.JPG