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Joan Thompson | profile | all galleries >> Places I Have Visited. >> Canberra tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Canberra is the National capital city of Australia and is inland from the east coast. The City of Canberra layout was designed by an American, Walter Burley Griffin of Chicargo.
Pine Cone Sculptures
Pine Cone Sculptures
Outside the National Gallery in Canberra, Australia
Outside the National Gallery in Canberra, Australia
Sculpture Hanging outside the National Gallery, Canberra, Australia
Sculpture Hanging outside the National Gallery, Canberra, Australia
 Sculpture at the National Gallery
Sculpture at the National Gallery
Cones Sculpture at the National Gallery, Canberra, Australia
"Cones" Sculpture at the National Gallery, Canberra, Australia
The National carillion
The National carillion
The Captain Cook Memorial Jet Fountain.
The Captain Cook Memorial Jet Fountain.
The cafeteria area inside the National Museum.
The cafeteria area inside the National Museum.
The Entrance to the National Museum
The Entrance to the National Museum
The Australian National Museum.
The Australian National Museum.