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Daniel D. Dye | all galleries >> Galleries >> Spiders of Florida > Ghost Spider (Family Anyphaenidae)
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15-DEC-2012 Daniel D. Dye

Ghost Spider (Family Anyphaenidae)

Bradford County

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Carlos Camara 30-Oct-2014 04:12
There's one of these (small very small) in the corner of my room
Carlos Camara 30-Oct-2014 04:11
There's a small one in the corner of my room
guest 06-Sep-2013 22:04
I was just bit and I believe it was by this spider. It hurt SO BAD and I bled even though the spider isn't very big.
Guest 13-Apr-2013 02:44
do these bite? and f so, is thw bite venomous?
Guest 16-Dec-2012 08:34
Lovely capture!
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