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Dave Werner | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Beautiful Wasteland... Autumn in Scotland's Northern and Western Isles tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Beautiful Wasteland... Autumn in Scotland's Northern and Western Isles

A few photos from my recent trip to Shetland, Orkney, Inverness, and the Outer Hebrides.

The gallery's title is from a song by the Scottish group Capercaillie.

The complete set of 571 images can be seen at:

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Thank you for dropping by. - All photos © Dave Werner 2005

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Gale force winds still blowing at sunset...  It's going to be an noisy night in the blackhouse. Tarbert is a very small town; this is about half of it. The shed of the well known boatbuilder and author: John MacAulay Author/Boatbuilder John MacAulay's access to the sea...
The stark and barren south shore of Harris stands in marked contrast to the north coast's white sand beaches. We experienced lots of heavy weather in Lewis & Harris... Atlantic swells fetch up on Harris' Atlantic north shore. One of the fabled white sand beaches of Harris' Atlantic side.
Sheep, looking quite comfortable, thank you... on the machair. Like nearly all towns in the Hebrides, Stornoway is first and foremost a harbour. Yachts, in for the winter, compete with centuries old buildings for the skyline. Gaelic is still the first language on Lewis & Harris
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