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Duncan | profile | all galleries >> Fractal Images >> 3D Fractals tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

3D Fractals

A small gallery of 3D fractal images generated with FractalWorks, a high performance fractal renderer for Macintosh computers. FractalWorks is no longer available on the App Store, although I am working to get it updated and make it available again.
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Elephant Julia Cookie
Elephant Julia Cookie
Elephant Julia 3D.jpg
Elephant Julia 3D.jpg
Douady's Easter Rabbit
Douady's Easter Rabbit
Swirly Grape Julia 3D huge
Swirly Grape Julia 3D huge
Cauliflower Julia 3D
Cauliflower Julia 3D
B of F Map 50 3D
B of F Map 50 3D
Purple Elephant Julia 3D
Purple Elephant Julia 3D
Swirly Grape Julia 3D big
Swirly Grape Julia 3D big
B of F cover
B of F cover
B of F map 49 3D
B of F map 49 3D
Mandelbrot dragon 3D
Mandelbrot dragon 3D
Mandelbrot seahorse 3D
Mandelbrot seahorse 3D
3D plot with integer iteration values
3D plot with integer iteration values
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