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Dick Osseman | profile | all galleries >> Iznik pictures - Turkey >> Murat II bathhouse tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

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Murat II bathhouse

This is the bath (hamam) of Murat II, from the 15th century.

In 2018 it looked bright and shining, having been restored.
Iznik dec 2007 1615.jpg
Iznik dec 2007 1615.jpg
Iznik dec 2007 1616.jpg
Iznik dec 2007 1616.jpg
Iznik Murat Hamam october 2018 8293.jpg
Iznik Murat Hamam october 2018 8293.jpg
Iznik Murat Hamam october 2018 8294.jpg
Iznik Murat Hamam october 2018 8294.jpg
Iznik Murat Hamam october 2018 8295.jpg
Iznik Murat Hamam october 2018 8295.jpg