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Kastamonu Turkey

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Kastamonu is a pleasant place to the North of Ankara, a two hours drive from the Black Sea coast. It is well situated in a river valley, and the surrounding countryside is wooded and at some points quite high (with a ski resort some half hours drive to the South). One can climb to a fortress and have good views of the city. If one can spare the time, one might visit Kasaba Village, some 20 kilometers from Kastamonu, where they have the most wonderful old wooden mosque from the 12th century. Many of the early pictures were taken when the weather was not so good, I had to do a lot of correcting and even then they are a bit bleak. I paid the city another visit in June 2004, then in June 2005 and another in June 2009 added some pictures with more sunshine, and during the last visit of the new shopping mall. You may find some pictures repetitive, the town has a number of great spots for a good view, and I keep trying to take a better picture. You may also notice some delapidated sites have been restored, the town has kept its wonderful relaxed feel though. I intended to sort the pictures and write more captions, but it took me till 2020 to make a start. I'm doing so now.


Kastamonu, Ankara’nın kuzeyinde çok güzel bir yer; Karadeniz kıyılarından iki saat uzaklıkta. Şehir bir vadide kurumluş ve bazı noktalarda çok yüksek rakımı olan (yarım saat güneyinde bir kayak merkezi var) ağaçlık bir kırsal alanı var. Kaleye tırmanabilir ve şehrin güzel görüntüsünü seyredebilirsiniz. Zamanınızı iyi kullanabilirseniz, Kastamonu’nun 20 kilometre dışındaki, 12. yüzyıldan kalma, çok güzel, eski, ahşap bir caminin bulunduğu Kasaba Köyü’nü ziyaret edebilirsiniz. Resimlerin çoğu hava kötüyken çekildi, birçok düzeltme yapmak zorunda kaldım, ama yine de çok hoş görünmüyorlar. Haziran 2004 ve Haziran 2005’te şehri tekrar ziyaret ettim ve güneş ışığında çekilmiş resimler ekledim.

Türkçe çeviri: Melek Emir. Katkılarından dolayı teşekkür ederim.

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Kastamonu Kalesi
Kastamonu Kalesi
Atatürk and Martyr Şerife Bacı Monument
Atatürk and Martyr Şerife Bacı Monument
Nasrullah complex
Nasrullah complex
Darü’ş-Şifa Kapısı
Darü’ş-Şifa Kapısı
Yakup Ağa Mosque
Yakup Ağa Mosque
Museum in Kastamonu
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Çobanoğulları helva factory
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Barutçuoğlu Alışveriş Merkezi
Barutçuoğlu Alışveriş Merkezi
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Kastamonu government building 1
Kastamonu government building 1
Saniye Bozkurt 8816
Saniye Bozkurt 8816
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Kastamonu some senior citizens
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Kastamonu 129.jpg
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Kastamonu walk in city 7
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Kastamonu clock tower
Kastamonu clock tower
Kastamonu at foot clock tower
Kastamonu at foot clock tower
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Kastamonu view_with fortress
Kastamonu view
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Kastamonu from Kale
Kastamonu from Kale
Kastamonu from Kale
Kastamonu from Kale
Kastamonu city walk
Kastamonu city walk
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