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Dick Osseman | profile | all galleries >> Istanbul >> Mosques - Camiler tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Regions - Bölgeler | Mosques - Camiler | Medreses - Medreseler | Mausolea - Türbeler | Churches - Kiliseler | Museums - Müzeler | Hans - Hanlar | Palaces - Saraylar | Fortresses - Hisarlar | Cisterns - Sarnıçlar | Bridges - Köprüler | Shopping malls - Alışveriş merkeziler | Universities - üniversiteler | Boat rides - Vapur gezileri | Walls - Duvarlar | Metro and trams - Metro ve tramvay | Istanbul Aquarium | Modern miniatures | Columns - Sütunlar | Kids and cats – Çoçuklar ve Kediler | Street workers | Shops, shopwindows, advertising - dukkanlar reklamlar | Iftar 2015 (some 2018) | Istanbul Bienali 2017 2019

Mosques - Camiler

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Though not in Istanbul it may be instructive to view the gallery of pictures of the biggest mosque in the country, built in the end of the 20th century, the Merkez (central) Mosque in Adana. Or visit the best work by the best architect, Sinan, the Selimiye in Edirne.

Note also that under many pictures you can click on View map, which will show you where the building is situated.

I put some loose pictures (of mosques) here that had no function in other galleries.

As I have many pictures taken very near a mosque, such as views from the courtyard or a fountain in the outside wall I add them to the mosque pictures. In cases where there are too many of them I will add sub-galleries to the main gallery for a mosque.