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Dick Osseman | profile | all galleries >> Gaziantep pictures - Turkey >> Museums in Gaziantep >> Zeugma Mosaic Museum in Gaziantep >> Dionysos' bust >> Dionysos and Ariadne tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Dionysos and Ariadne

2nd-3rd century AD. From The house of Oceanos. This is a floor mosaic of a room in the House of Oceanus. It was among the first pieces excavated from Zeugma. The mosaic consisted of three panels. To the left was the bust of Dionysus. Black and white triangles created a focus on the central figure. The middle panel shows a scene of Dionysos and Ariadne meeting in marriage. Ariadne was left on the island of Naxos by the hero Theseus. The panel also shows Pan, god of the shepherds, and Silen. To the right animals and plants are depicted. A pattern of wave and plait surrounds the three panels, much has been damaged.

This is only the middle one of the three panels.
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Gaziantep Zeugma Museum september 2014 2468.jpg
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Gaziantep Zeugma Museum september 2014 2469.jpg
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Gaziantep Zeugma Museum December 2011 1851.jpg
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Gaziantep Zeugma Museum December 2011 1852.jpg