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From Manisa, I visited the city of Akhisar, which is at less than an hours travel by bus. I found too late (when the sun was about to set and I had to hurry back) that the most interesting part, with old shops and a good mosque, was in a direction I had so far overlooked. I may well return some day to take a look, now I just show what I have from this too short visit.

From the Enc. Britt.: historically Thyatira town, western Turkey, in a fertile plain on the Great Zab River (the ancient Lycus). The ancient town, originally called Pelopia, was probably founded by the Lydians. It was made a Macedonian colony about 290 BC and renamed Thyatira. It became part of the kingdom of Pergamum in 190 BC and was an important station on the ancient Roman road from Pergamum (Bergama) to Laodicea (near Denizli). Its early Christian church appears as one of the seven churches in the Revelation to John. Akhisar was incorporated into the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century. The modern town is connected by railway and road to Ýzmir and Manisa and exports cotton, tobacco, graphite, opium, wool, raisins, and dyes. Pop. (1990 prelim.) 74,002.
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