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Our Trip to Italy (many cities and towns, and the Amalfi Coast): May, 2002
>> Orvieto - in the Umbrian region
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Orvieto - in the Umbrian region
Orvieto in the Umbrian region. Orvieto sits on a plateau.
Tracks of funicular used to go to and from Orvieto. At the top, we took a bus to Orvieto's city center.
Street in Orvieto
Duomo of Orvieto: Started in 1290 - took 300 years to build. Striking gothic facade with bas-reliefs and mosaics.
Judy approaching Viale Carducci - street on the northwest side of Orvieto - park like area overlooking Umbrian countryside.
Viale Carducci - northwest side of Orvieto - overlooks Umbrian countryside.
Judy on Viale Carducci in Orvieto with Umbrian countryside in background
Richard on Viale Carducci in Orvieto
Umbrian countryside as seen from Viale Carducci in Orvieto
Sant' Andrea Church on Piazza Republica. Unusual 12 sided bell tower. Built in 12th-14th c. over Roman and Etruscan structures.
Judy - lunch on the Piazza Republica. Piazza once was Orvieto's forum - at the heart of what remains of the medieval city.
Judy on a street in Orivieto
St. Patrick's well - In 1527 Pope Clement VII ordered well dug (took 10 years). He needed water in Orvieto during seige of Rome.
Umbrian countryside near St. Patrick's well in Orvieto. Poppies are in foreground.
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02-Aug-2003 22:33
Excellent gallery. We were in Italy in April. Please feel free to visit our gallery with images from our vacation in Italy.
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