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Emily's NHIA Graduation 2013

We were blessed to be able to enjoy Emily’s graduation from The New Hampshire Institute of Art in May of 2013, as she earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) with a major in Painting, Magna Cum Laude. Emily’s friend Linzi gave the Senior Address and spoke beautifully – as did the commencement speaker, author Andre Dubus III, who encouraged all to “Find something that when you do it, you are more you than you are when you aren’t doing it.” Brilliant advice. At graduation, we were in the first row of the Balcony at the historic Palace Theatre and Emily sat directly below us, so some photos are shot from straight above through the theatrical lights – an odd angle, but fun ... Over the years, we’ve grown fond of many NHIA’ers through visits and Em’s stories, so naturally, a few of them slipped into the photos as well ... For photos of Em’s art taken at the evening before’s Senior Show Preview Party, click here. You can also visit her website to see more of her artwork. We are very proud of Emily and all she’s accomplished – such a thrill to see her take flight.

NHIA posted their graduation photos and even used an Emily & Caitlyn duo shot as their Facebook profile pic -- so naturally, I grabbed those and appended them here ...
Emily's Flock Rocks Chickens
Emily's Flock Rocks Chickens
The Historic Palace Theatre
The Historic Palace Theatre
Outstandingly Historic, That Is ...
Outstandingly Historic, That Is ...
Emily, Magna Cum Laude
Emily, Magna Cum Laude
Bag Piped Procession
Bag Piped Procession
Emily From Hanging Over the Balcony
Emily From Hanging Over the Balcony
Faculty & Board Applaud
Faculty & Board Applaud
Emily From Above
Emily From Above
NHIA President Roger Williams
NHIA President Roger Williams
Linzi Addresses Beautifully
Linzi Addresses Beautifully
Andre Dubus III Commences
Andre Dubus III Commences
Abbie, Ceramics
Abbie, Ceramics
Peagan, Illustration
Peagan, Illustration
Brittany Rae, Illustration
Brittany Rae, Illustration
Linzi, Interdisciplinary
Linzi, Interdisciplinary
Allison, Chair of Painting Dept
Allison, Chair of Painting Dept
Emily Graduates With Style
Emily Graduates With Style
Emily, Painting
Emily, Painting
Caitlin, Painting
Caitlin, Painting
Kyle B, Painting
Kyle B, Painting
Claire, Photography
Claire, Photography
Grace, Photography
Grace, Photography
Ethan, Photography
Ethan, Photography
Let the Chicken Dance Begin
Let the Chicken Dance Begin
Graduate & Diploma
Graduate & Diploma
One Graduated Smile
One Graduated Smile
Two Graduated Smiles
Two Graduated Smiles
Graduate with GrammaB
Graduate with GrammaB
Family Photo!
Family Photo!
Zoom In, Eh?
Zoom In, Eh?
One More!
One More!
Emily & Max
Emily & Max
Emily & Katelyn
Emily & Katelyn
Emily & Britt Rae, Freshman Roommates
Emily & Britt Rae, Freshman Roommates
She Owned It
She Owned It
Emily & Linzi
Emily & Linzi
David, Emily, & Patrick
David, Emily, & Patrick
Quite an Accomplishment
Quite an Accomplishment
Emily & Her Business Cards
Emily & Her "Business Cards"
Hard Boiled Emily Creativity
Hard Boiled Emily Creativity
Emily & Uncle John
Emily & Uncle John
A Personal Note from Allison
A Personal Note from Allison
Thank you NHIA, Bok Bok!!
Thank you NHIA, Bok Bok!!
nhia facebook with emily as profile pic.jpg
nhia facebook with emily as profile pic.jpg
nhia emily graduates.jpg
nhia emily graduates.jpg
nhia photo of emily and caitlyn.jpg
nhia photo of emily and caitlyn.jpg