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Don Boyd | profile | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area RESTAURANTS, Drive-Ins, Bars, Lounges, Liquor Stores, Clubs, Strip Joints, etc. Gallery - All Years - click to view >> Sorrento Restaurant Images Gallery - click on image to view the gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Sorrento Restaurant Images Gallery - click on image to view the gallery


Early 1960's - the Sorrento Restaurant on SW 8th Street in Miami
Early 1960's - the Sorrento Restaurant on SW 8th Street in Miami
Early 1960's - Joe and Lucy Amanzio, owners of the Sorrento Restaurant on SW 8th Street in Miami
Early 1960's - Joe and Lucy Amanzio, owners of the Sorrento Restaurant on SW 8th Street in Miami
Early 1960's - the Sorrento Restaurant on SW 8th Street in Miami
Early 1960's - the Sorrento Restaurant on SW 8th Street in Miami
Early 1960's - the Sorrento Restaurant on SW 8th Street in Miami
Early 1960's - the Sorrento Restaurant on SW 8th Street in Miami
Early 1960's - the upstairs private dining room at the Sorrento Restaurant on SW 8th Street in Miami
Early 1960's - the upstairs private dining room at the Sorrento Restaurant on SW 8th Street in Miami
Early 1960's - Holiday dinner announcement at the Sorrento Restaurant on SW 8th Street in Miami
Early 1960's - Holiday dinner announcement at the Sorrento Restaurant on SW 8th Street in Miami