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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> DOWNTOWN Miami, Bayfront Park and Port of Miami Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > Late 1950's - east end of Jordan Marsh on NE 15th Street looking west toward Biscayne Boulevard
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Late 1950's From an old postcard

Late 1950's - east end of Jordan Marsh on NE 15th Street looking west toward Biscayne Boulevard

NE 15th Street at Bayshore Boulevard

There used to be a swimming pool on this east end of the building between JM and the east parking lot and my wife always thought it was an odd location for the pool. She says that it had a silver (aluminum?) fence around it to keep people out. She remembers several swimware fashion shows around the pool in the 1960's. Her best friend Ouida Ingram served on Jordan Marsh's Teen Board in 1969 through 1971 and my wife would accompany her to JM every Saturday so Ouida could do her Teen Board duties. She believes that the pool lasted until the huge Omni garage entrance ramp was built just east of the JM building in the mid to late 1970's.

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Samuel L. Smith 09-Jun-2013 03:56
Again, this is the back of the Jordan Marsh store looking west from 15th St & Bayshore Drive. Biscayne Boulevard is at the far end from this side of the building.
Edward C 05-Jan-2012 08:42
My mother worked at that JM in the 60s. We used to visit the Omni Mall many years afterwards, but sadly JM was long-gone by then (1990s).
Guest 02-Nov-2010 01:35
Ron Conroy
My mother worked as a waitress in the Gulfstream Room for at least 15 years. Occasionally, she would bring home a Boston cream pie or she would stop at Grables Bakery for some glazed donuts. She also used to work at the Mayflower Restaurant as a waitress. I believe they sold Dunkin Donuts there. Those were the days.
Wally Roberts 27-Mar-2010 05:16
My aunt Maxine McNey worked here for over 25 years
tomwms 14-Mar-2009 00:56
Does anyone remember the balloon seller who worked from the sidewalk in the foreground of this picture?
Racdhelle S. F. 11-Feb-2009 07:39
I still have my favorite two stuffed dogs that I bought there just after the store opened, when I was in high school MHS '60.